I have been teaching Eliza a little sign language. You know things like please, thank you, more, eat, and drink. It is very helpful for the most part. Sometimes she will just start saying "please" over and over, and then she will throw in "more", and I have no idea what she is asking for or what she wants more of! That can get a little frustrating, but for the most part, it is just so darn cute! I took this video of her showing off her signs. She is a little distracted by the dishwasher, which she loves to help out with. She is not so helpful as she would like to think however. When I am unloading it is great, she will take out the utensils one by one and hand them to me. But when I am loading dirty dishes into the dishwasher, she will take out several spoons at a time and help me out by licking them and trying to hand them back to me. Yuck! I would also like to point out that this video was taken first thing in the morning, so don't be thinking that I let my child run around in her diaper all day long. At least not on this day!
PS. Please excuse the recycled hairdos.
Eliza is so dang big and so cute-you are right!! Bonnie's cake is awesome! I was looking through a cake book a little while ago and saw one for a dinosaur and thought of you! I had the same problem with my blog picture on the side, so I added it to the top instead-I don't know if that will work for you, but I guess you can try if you want!
She is so grown up! What a doll! You really do have great kids! I'm so glad you blog so I can still see them!
So dang cute! I was a little freaked out listening to you on the video. Our voices are very similar! Anyway! dont you love having cute kids. I do too! I love you and miss you. How is the fire situation? Such a cute family.
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