Halloween was so fun this year! And only a week ago! The kids were soooooo excited to dress up and go trick or treating. They were super cute in their costumes. While we were out trick or treating, I noticed that Ethan had his Halloween bucket, and the plastic grocery sack he had carried clothes in to his Aunt Jenny's house. When I asked him what he was doing with the bag, he looked up at me with a smug 8 year old smile and said, "when I say trick or treat, they put candy in both bags!!" He did not get to keep the grocery sack. He was pretty bummed that his scheme didn't work out the way he thought it would, but was soon preoccupied with all the candy he did get. Brett was a good sport and let me dress him up as Waldo, and I was his girlfriend Wanda. Our stripes, believe it or not, are made out of red duck tape! Thank you Shannon for the idea! I ran out of tape before I was finished with Brett's shirt, so only the front has stripes. He was very accommodating. We were the only adults who dressed up with our group. You might think that was embarrassing, but no, it just confirmed my theory that we are AWESOME!!! Brett may have been a little embarrassed...
Happy faces...

Silly faces...

Scary faces!!