Wednesday, April 30, 2008

When You Can't Beat 'em, Join 'em!

Alright, so this isn't one of my kids, it is our cousin Landon. But I couldn't resist! Sorry Melissa. We were at Grandma's for Christmas, and I guess Landon thought he wasn't doing enough around the house (or maybe his mom just doesn't feed him enough?). Anyway, here he is helping out. Annie, the dog, was a little put out at Landon, seeing how he was doing her usual chore.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Spot Who?

Alright, so it has been a while, and I am sorry bout that. I have no excuse except laziness. Last week, Thursday was just crazy at my house! I had class that night, and Brett signed up to clean the temple at the same time. Which meant we didn't have anyone watching our kids. Our friend Scott volunteered for the job. My kids LOVED him! Well, Eliza mostly just cried whenever he came near, but Ethan and Bonnie thought he was fantabulious! I was talking to them about that night, and they both asked me when Spot was coming back. I was a little confused at who they were talking about, and then it hit me, they thought Scott was Spot! Oh, I can't wait to tell him, I think he might have a new nickname for life! This is the stuff dreams are made of!

Monday, April 21, 2008

True Feelings

Bonnie had a fight with Ethan. She was really mad at him, and she told him she hated him. About two minutes later, they were playing a game together and she said, "Anyways, whenever I say I hate you it doesn't matter because I still love you!" Nice.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Are You Thinking What I'm Thinking?

For some miraculous reason, one night Ethan was being extremely helpful. He helped Brett cook dinner and he fed Eliza. Afterwards he was talking to Brett and saying how good he felt. He said, "I just feel so good. I feel so happy. I'm not saying you need to do this , but I just think I should get paid for this. Or a toy, not big dollars, but something under $ 10.00. Don't you think so Daddy?" Brett did not.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I was at the doctors office this morning with Bonnie and Eliza in tow. We were waiting, of course we were waiting, have you ever been to the doctors and got in right away? Even if you were the only one waiting? No neither have I. But I digress, while we were waiting, Bonnie saw a car drive up and park. She said, "Oh look, here comes another young man." I thought this was a pretty funny thing for her to say anyway, but her "young man" came in and he had grey hair and a grey mustache! The receptionist almost fell out of her chair laughing. The poor guy didn't know what was so funny. Some things are better left unsaid!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


This weekend, Bonnie was examining her wounds. If it looks like it might be a different color than her skin, it must be bleeding and need a bandaid! Which could be a completely different post in itself! She had a bonified "owie" that had actually warrented a bandaid, and is now a beautiful scab. While she was examining said scab, she said, "Tis cab wooks yummy, just wike bacon!" I wish I could convey the cuteness of her voice saying this most discussting idea! Ewww! Well, my friends, enjoy!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Are you Serious?

Bonnie said, "Daddy I know how to tell if a man is super duperdy old. He has super duperdy lots of lines on his head. I'm serious! I'm not even joking!!!" It's good to know she takes classifying age so seriously.
Bonnie came into the kitchen one morning with tears in her eyes. I asked her if she had been crying. She said, "Oh, no Mom, these are tears of joy!" Well, I guess you can't argue with that!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Lost in Translation

Ethan was earning money for a hamster by doing extra chores around the house. We have had a hard time explaining why he can't have $10.00 for sweeping the front porch. We tried to explain that we will only pay him what we think the job is worth. I think this concept really hit home. One day he was asking for extra chores, and I told him if he would sweep and mop the kitchen floor (it's not very big), I would give him 75 cents. He said, no 50 cents. I wasn't expecting backwards bargaining, so I asked him to repeat what he said. He said, "I think the job is worth about 50 cents Mom, not 75 cents." Maybe he got it a little too well. Oops.

Bonnie was singing one day a song all about Tom Dumb. I asked her what she was singing about, and she said that Tom was dumb. I then had to explain to her that Tom wasn't dumb, his name was Tom Thumb! She had watched a show about him, and obviously something was lost in translation.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


As promised, here is Bonnie's roar. My disclaimer here is that she wasn't really into it when I took the video of her. She has done much better, just ask her Aunt Jenny and Aunt Shannon! Last night we had the Kirby Vacuum guy give us a demo, and Bonnie scared him with the intensity and feeling she was putting into her roar. We didn't buy the vacuum by the way. But it was COOL!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Bonnie was telling me about her life. She said she couldn't remember being a baby. "It was like BOOM!, I'm three!"

Monday, April 7, 2008

Trouble in the Making

Here is a conversation I had with the kids one day. I asked Ethan and Bonnie what they wanted for lunch. To be helpful, I started suggesting things I knew we had, and was willing to make. One of the first things that I suggested was chicken noodle soup. Bonnie immediately said, "Yes, yes, yes!!!" Ethan said, "I don't want chicken soup." I said, "Fine, what do you want?" "I don't want chicken soup!" "Caught that. What do you want?" "I don't want chicken soup!!" "OK, please tell me what do you want?" "I don't want chicken soup!!!" "I didn't tell you that you HAD to have chicken soup, what you DO HAVE to do, is tell me what else you would like to eat!!!" "Oh, I guess I will have chicken soup." AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

In One Ear And Out The Other

Bonnie asked me one day if Jesus was magic. I thought, "here is a perfect learning moment." So I explained that Jesus had the priesthood power not magic. Magic is not real, but the power of the priesthood is real. She nodded her head and really seemed to get it. I thought it was a very enlightening conversation, a pretty good parenting moment. Until the next day when she said, "Mom, mom! Look I can make my fingers disappear! For real mom, it's real power mom!" I think we may have to talk about this in the future.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I really was just experementing with the video here. Bonnie has the most incredible ROAR you ever heard come out of a 4 year old! This is just her growl, and as you will see, Eliza thinks it is pretty cool. If this works out like it should, I will post another video of Bonnie's roar and you will see the difference.