Ethan was earning money for a hamster by doing extra chores around the house. We have had a hard time explaining why he can't have $10.00 for sweeping the front porch. We tried to explain that we will only pay him what we think the job is worth. I think this concept really hit home. One day he was asking for extra chores, and I told him if he would sweep and mop the kitchen floor (it's not very big), I would give him 75 cents. He said, no 50 cents. I wasn't expecting backwards bargaining, so I asked him to repeat what he said. He said, "I think the job is worth about 50 cents Mom, not 75 cents." Maybe he got it a little too well. Oops.
Bonnie was singing one day a song all about Tom Dumb. I asked her what she was singing about, and she said that Tom was dumb. I then had to explain to her that Tom wasn't dumb, his name was Tom Thumb! She had watched a show about him, and obviously something was lost in translation.
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