Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Eliza loves to sing the itsy bitsy spider. She is so cute when she does it too. She doesn't do nearly as well in the video as she normally does. But I think we can blame that on stage fright. I think she'll grow out of that. Her siblings did!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tagged again!

I am one popular momma these days! I kinda miss those good ol' days when....Wait, nope I like it! Anyways, so I got tagged...again! And look at me here fulfilling my tagging duties! However before I do, I must announce to the world that my 1 year old just swallowed a Lego! That is right, and judging by the way she choked, and then cried about it, it didn't feel too good going down. Before you all condemn me as a horrible unfeeling mother, let me just say that it was her own fault! Just kidding, she was playing, she found a Lego, she put it in her mouth, and now it is gone. And if I ever do see that Lego again, I am going to throw the troublesome thing in the garbage! That'll teach it! The end....but not of my post. Lets get refocused here folks, tagged, I was tagged! Alright, my 6 on 6's ( what does that mean?) 6 TV shows I like to watch:
  1. The Office
  2. Criminal Minds
  3. Bones
  4. Life
  5. Men in Trees
  6. NCSI

6 Restaurants I like to eat at:

  1. Hula's
  2. Olive Garden
  3. Big Al's
  4. Applebees
  5. Outback
  6. Peter Chu's

6 things that happened today:

  1. I bought Ethan vampire teeth
  2. I went grocery shopping
  3. I painted Bonnie's fingernails, and she got an itch before it was dry.
  4. Does blogging count?
  5. I donated $10 to support Prop 8
  6. I called the school district to tell them the "And Tango Makes Three" is not an appropriate book to be in a school library.

6 things I am looking forward to:

  1. A paycheck
  2. Halloween at Jenny's
  3. Thanksgiving with my mom and dad, my in-laws, and my sister (sorry to those of you who would normally have Thanksgiving with us, and are choosing to be out of town!)
  4. Ethan's baptism
  5. A shower (I am bathing folks, but I am looking forward to having our shower put in!)
  6. Date night!
6 things on my wish list:
  1. To own our own home
  2. To get my BA degree
  3. I would wish for a family dog that Macky wouldn't be allergic to, that would be well behaved, and that would never have vet bills. (Hey this is a wish list right?)
  4. A new wardrobe
  5. A newer nicer car for Brett
  6. To lose 15 lbs

6 people to tag:

  1. Amanda
  2. Holly
  3. Becky (again)
  4. Katie
  5. Brittany
  6. Anya (again)

Sorry to those that got tagged twice, I had to tag someone, and I like you guys so much I couldn't resist. All those who didn't get tagged twice, I like you guys so much I couldn't bring myself to tag you again!


I've been tagged! I guess that means I'm IT! I didn't even realize I was playing electronic tag. Oh well, can't have any of you out there thinking I'm a bad sport. Grumble, grumble. Just kidding, here "It" goes. Watch out you might be next! Here are the rules: Link the Person who Tagged you. Mention rules on your blog. Tell about 6 quirks of yours. Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same. Leave a comment on their blog to let them know. Delayne's Quirks-Don't judge!

  1. I secretly like the faint smell of skunk. Now I wouldn't wear it as perfume or anything, but sometimes when I catch a whiff of skunk, I think hey that's good!
  2. You know how all the lights on the Esplanade are timed? Well I am trying to figure out how fast I can go down the Esplanade without having to even slow down for the lights. I just want to hit all green lights. So far, I have been able to do it going 28 mph. (I do stop though if there is a red light, or a slower car in front of me.)
  3. My secret ambition is to have a hurricane named after me.
  4. I am not a phone caller. I hate to call people on the phone. It makes my stomach curl up in knots. Not because I don’t want to talk to them, I just have a fear of actually picking up the phone and dialing their number! So maybe it would be more accurate to say that I have a fear of dialing the phone. I love to talk on the phone if someone calls me, but it’s almost too much for me to handle to be the one to call someone else.
  5. Jenny says I have a secret smile for when I think I am being really funny. I have yet to see it, so this could go under the category of myth instead of quirk.
  6. I love high school movies. Like Cinderella Story, 10 Things I Hate About You, High School Musical...etc. I like to pretend that I am the age of the kids in the movie and have no responsibilities, instead of a grown up mom.

Alright, that was tough! I now tag Julie, Mikeala, Kami, Anya, Nikki, and Becky. Good luck girls!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


That's my boy!!! (Yes I do claim him when we are in public, shocking I know!)

Monday, October 20, 2008


Well, it is about 12 am on Monday night. I am supposed to be sleeping, but instead I decided to work on some homework. Now I am taking a break from my homework to bring you the latest and greatest from the fam. So just in case anyone was wondering, I usually do my homework during the day, but I am planning on keeping my kids home from school tomorrow as part of a peaceful protest against the California Teachers Association. They have donated $1 million (that's six zeros!) to the no on prop 8 campaign. If prop 8 doesn't pass, I am going to have to start homeschooling. I have nothing against homeschooling, but it does take a special someone, and I was hoping NEVER to be that someone. However, I can and will be that someone if prop 8 fails. Go prop 8! Brett and I held "yes on 8" signs over by the mall on Saturday, and it was amazing! It is incredible the sheer volume of cars that go by there, and every one of them saw our signs! You wouldn't believe the reaction we got from some people! We got honks, and thumbs up, and people smiling and waving. We got dirty looks, the middle finger, and cussed out also. One car of teenagers yelled, "We love gays!". I yelled back, "So do WE!". For the most part, no matter if the response was positive or negative, we just smiled and waved. Another car drove by yelling obscenities, and then turned around so they could drive by and yell at us again! Well I have to say thank you to those cars. Thank you for making fools out of yourselves so that other people would turn and look to see who was making such a racket! Two cars (at separate times) pulled over and asked what prop 8 was. That was fantastic! I do have to make mention of one man in particular. He pulled his car over, and pulled out his cell phone to take a picture of us. Then he told us he wanted to take a picture of what hate looked like to send to his kids! What is unbelievable, and a bit hypocritical is that then he said, "I hope you kids all grow up to be gays and lesbians!" WOW... that was harsh, and a little hateful. We told him that was a mean thing to say, and that we would love our kids no matter how they grew up! Then he drove off in a huff. What kills me is that he was so angry that there was absolutely no way he would listen to wisdom, even if we had chosen to impart any. Don't people know that anger closes minds?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Prop 8

Alright, for all of you out there who know about prop 8, what are you doing about it? I am not trying to be all high on my horse or anything, there is plenty more that I could be doing too. I am just saying that when this election is all said and done, are you going to be able to look back and say, "I did my best, I tried my hardest, and I did what the Lord asked of me"? I am taking a moment from my usual light hearted post to let you all know that this is something I feel very strongly about. Oh, and for all of you who don't know what prop 8 is, it is an amendment to the California state constitution that says that only marriage between a man and woman is valid or legal in California. This is such a huge deal because in 2000, the voters passed this law already, but the CA supreme court had it's own agenda and overturned the people's decision by a 4-3 vote. This time around it is going on the ballet as an amendment to the state constitution so it cannot be overturned again! Go prop 8! Prop 8 is not attacking homosexuals in any way, it simply defines what marriage is. And it defines marriage as God defines it also. I don't want my children to grow up thinking that same sex marriage is the norm, or that it is morally OK. If you are a Californian, or even if you are not, this is going to affect you too! Most states follow California law. I read that somewhere recently. Pretty scary thought. Please vote in November, and please vote yes on prop 8 to reestablish traditional marriage as the law.

Friday, October 10, 2008

As promised...

I have been telling Jenny that I will write a blog about Ethan and so here it is! Ethan is supposed to read everyday for his homework. He can read whatever it is he wants, but he must read for 20 minutes. We have had issues all year with him pretending to read, and not really doing it. So we have started to make him read out loud, which he hates! The incident that really put us over the top was after Ethan had put in his 20 minutes of reading one day. He was reading "Ramona Quimby Age 8", after he was done reading, Brett asked him what he read about. Ethan started mumbling something about a girl and school, while he thumbed through the book looking at pictures. He started telling Brett about one picture in particular where Ramona goes to school, and some really mean boys steal her ipod and throw it around...Wait a minute!!! Ding, ding, ding!!! I am not sure when it was written, but I'm pretty sure that Ramona was around when I was in elementary school. And when I was in elementary school there was no such thing as an ipod!! I'm thinkin' he wasn't really reading during that 20 minutes, what do you think?

Monday, October 6, 2008


My girls are so cute that I had to dress them up and take pictures of them! And the amazing thing is that they let me! Bonnie has been being more and more difficult when it is time to do her hair or get dressed. But I think I have found the secret! The other day she told me that if I ask her if she is ready to do work, the answer was NO!, but if I asked her if she was ready to be twinners with Eliza, the answer was YES!! So today was picture day at school, and I got Bonnie to wear what I wanted her to by telling her she could be twinners with Eliza! Go manipulation! Well, anyway it worked, and she was so stinkin cute for her pictures! Yeah mom! This is our friend Aiden, who gets to come play with us every day before and after school. His hair was done and oh, so cute, before he got to my house. By the time school time rolled around, I had to reapply 4 lbs of hairspray to his Alfalfa do. Your welcome Julie! Now she is just being silly, but hey at least you know her nose is clean! This is one of my favorite moves! She should be a poster child for the power rangers, don't you think?

Happy 1st Day of School Brett!

Today was Brett's first day at school! He is now officially a substitute teacher! Wooo-whooooo! For all of you out there that don't understand this momentous occasion, let me briefly explain. Basically Brett was out of work for the entire month of September. That is right folks, no income what so ever! NONE, ZIP, ZILCH!! And now we have income again. Life is wonderfully full of surprises isn't it? Well, we have come a long way, and we still have a long way to go. Brett's final destination is a teaching certificate, and a teaching job. However we have taken the first steps in getting there. We really feel like the Lord brought us here to Chico, and we know that we will do whatever he asks us. Life was hard for a while, well I guess life is always hard, but since I have figured out that I'm on the Lord's side, things have gotten much better! Anywho, I digress. Brett's first day as an official substitute teacher began at an elementary school where he was a rover (someone who covers for different teachers while they have meetings throughout the day). He was assigned to the kindergarten and first grade classes. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall! When he came home he told me that he made two kids cry! Really? You might ask how did my sweet Brett, who is really mellow, kind, and gentle make kids cry? Well, it turns out, he didn't really make anybody cry, they were just kindergartners who were especially missing their mommies. He did however pretend call the office for one kid. I guess the kid wouldn't calm down, so Brett threatened to call the office. He picked up the phone and pushed some buttons, and pretended to talk to the office. When he got done, the kid was terrified, and Brett looked down at him and said, "The office told you to sit in your seat!" Unfortunately for all of us dying to know if the kid did in fact sit in his seat, we will never know because at that exact moment in time the teacher came back, and school was over. Pretty anti climatic huh? Well it was still a funny story! Brett is going to be a wonderful teacher! He is such a fantastic husband and father, and I am blessed to have him in my life. I love him and I try to be the best wife I can be to him.

Friday, October 3, 2008


Bonnie came home from school yesterday with an orange, green, yellow, and black piece of paper. Her assignment was to make a jack-o-lantern and tell a story about it. This is what she came up with! Sorry the jack-o-lantern is sideways, but it was the only way to fit it and the story together. I really think this might be the beginning of a career for Bonnie. I wrote it down exactly as she said it. I love her imagination! I think it will be a little hard to read, so here it is again. "Once upon a time there was a witch, and she made a jack-o-lantern. And she even made pumpkin pie. She put a seed in her garden and buried it, and it grew and grew and grew so big! It was as big as a giant! She wanted to have two jack-o-lanterns, so she made another one. She made it so scary because she was a scary witch and her skin was greenish, bluish, and blackish too. Her fingernails were as big as the giant pumpkin! The end-see you tomorrow!" Isn't that a wonderful story? I love kindergarten!