Monday, October 13, 2008

Prop 8

Alright, for all of you out there who know about prop 8, what are you doing about it? I am not trying to be all high on my horse or anything, there is plenty more that I could be doing too. I am just saying that when this election is all said and done, are you going to be able to look back and say, "I did my best, I tried my hardest, and I did what the Lord asked of me"? I am taking a moment from my usual light hearted post to let you all know that this is something I feel very strongly about. Oh, and for all of you who don't know what prop 8 is, it is an amendment to the California state constitution that says that only marriage between a man and woman is valid or legal in California. This is such a huge deal because in 2000, the voters passed this law already, but the CA supreme court had it's own agenda and overturned the people's decision by a 4-3 vote. This time around it is going on the ballet as an amendment to the state constitution so it cannot be overturned again! Go prop 8! Prop 8 is not attacking homosexuals in any way, it simply defines what marriage is. And it defines marriage as God defines it also. I don't want my children to grow up thinking that same sex marriage is the norm, or that it is morally OK. If you are a Californian, or even if you are not, this is going to affect you too! Most states follow California law. I read that somewhere recently. Pretty scary thought. Please vote in November, and please vote yes on prop 8 to reestablish traditional marriage as the law.


The Greene Gang said...

Hey Delayne-good for you for doing something and being proactive!! A friend of mine recently sent me an email about prop 8 and I sure hope that it passes there! Good luck-we will be keeping our eyes out for traditional marriage!

Jen said...

Great entry, Delayne! We miss you guys!
Jen :)