Today was Brett's first day at school! He is now officially a substitute teacher! Wooo-whooooo! For all of you out there that don't understand this momentous occasion, let me briefly explain. Basically Brett was out of work for the entire month of September. That is right folks, no income what so ever! NONE, ZIP, ZILCH!! And now we have income again. Life is wonderfully full of surprises isn't it? Well, we have come a long way, and we still have a long way to go. Brett's final destination is a teaching certificate, and a teaching job. However we have taken the first steps in getting there. We really feel like the Lord brought us here to Chico, and we know that we will do whatever he asks us. Life was hard for a while, well I guess life is always hard, but since I have figured out that I'm on the Lord's side, things have gotten much better! Anywho, I digress. Brett's first day as an official substitute teacher began at an elementary school where he was a rover (someone who covers for different teachers while they have meetings throughout the day). He was assigned to the kindergarten and first grade classes. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall! When he came home he told me that he made two kids cry! Really? You might ask how did my sweet Brett, who is really mellow, kind, and gentle make kids cry? Well, it turns out, he didn't really make anybody cry, they were just kindergartners who were especially missing their mommies. He did however pretend call the office for one kid. I guess the kid wouldn't calm down, so Brett threatened to call the office. He picked up the phone and pushed some buttons, and pretended to talk to the office. When he got done, the kid was terrified, and Brett looked down at him and said, "The office told you to sit in your seat!" Unfortunately for all of us dying to know if the kid did in fact sit in his seat, we will never know because at that exact moment in time the teacher came back, and school was over. Pretty anti climatic huh? Well it was still a funny story! Brett is going to be a wonderful teacher! He is such a fantastic husband and father, and I am blessed to have him in my life. I love him and I try to be the best wife I can be to him.
1 comment:
Congratulations on the new path of life. It is so funny how sometimes the lord throws those things at us. Life is just plain crazy. Great use of the phone. I do that all the time. Except I usually just threaten to call home and the one particular child immediately gos bck to work. Love phones in the classrooms. I remember when we use dto use the intercom thingy.
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