Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I've been tagged! I guess that means I'm IT! I didn't even realize I was playing electronic tag. Oh well, can't have any of you out there thinking I'm a bad sport. Grumble, grumble. Just kidding, here "It" goes. Watch out you might be next! Here are the rules: Link the Person who Tagged you. Mention rules on your blog. Tell about 6 quirks of yours. Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same. Leave a comment on their blog to let them know. Delayne's Quirks-Don't judge!

  1. I secretly like the faint smell of skunk. Now I wouldn't wear it as perfume or anything, but sometimes when I catch a whiff of skunk, I think hey that's good!
  2. You know how all the lights on the Esplanade are timed? Well I am trying to figure out how fast I can go down the Esplanade without having to even slow down for the lights. I just want to hit all green lights. So far, I have been able to do it going 28 mph. (I do stop though if there is a red light, or a slower car in front of me.)
  3. My secret ambition is to have a hurricane named after me.
  4. I am not a phone caller. I hate to call people on the phone. It makes my stomach curl up in knots. Not because I don’t want to talk to them, I just have a fear of actually picking up the phone and dialing their number! So maybe it would be more accurate to say that I have a fear of dialing the phone. I love to talk on the phone if someone calls me, but it’s almost too much for me to handle to be the one to call someone else.
  5. Jenny says I have a secret smile for when I think I am being really funny. I have yet to see it, so this could go under the category of myth instead of quirk.
  6. I love high school movies. Like Cinderella Story, 10 Things I Hate About You, High School Musical...etc. I like to pretend that I am the age of the kids in the movie and have no responsibilities, instead of a grown up mom.

Alright, that was tough! I now tag Julie, Mikeala, Kami, Anya, Nikki, and Becky. Good luck girls!

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