Monday, April 28, 2008

Spot Who?

Alright, so it has been a while, and I am sorry bout that. I have no excuse except laziness. Last week, Thursday was just crazy at my house! I had class that night, and Brett signed up to clean the temple at the same time. Which meant we didn't have anyone watching our kids. Our friend Scott volunteered for the job. My kids LOVED him! Well, Eliza mostly just cried whenever he came near, but Ethan and Bonnie thought he was fantabulious! I was talking to them about that night, and they both asked me when Spot was coming back. I was a little confused at who they were talking about, and then it hit me, they thought Scott was Spot! Oh, I can't wait to tell him, I think he might have a new nickname for life! This is the stuff dreams are made of!

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