Eliza is still wearing a diaper to bed. We have been trying to get her to stay dry all night, but that is really hard to do. She used to be able to do it, and then WHAMMO-she totally reverted back to wetting the bed every night. For the last couple of weeks, she has been unhappy with having to wear a diaper at night time, and saying that she doesn't have a diaper on, she calls it her "undies". I won't let her call the diaper "undies" cause I don't want her to talk herself into thinking that she really does have undies on. Well, last night, she kept herself dry all night!! Her diaper was unused this morning! Yeahhhhh! So I thought lets reward this and maybe she will do it again. She got jelly beans for her success. As we were trying to get her ready for bed tonight, I was telling her that she could have more jelly beans in the morning if her diaper was dry again. She was pretty put out, because she wanted them right now. Also, she thought since she was dry last night she shouldn't have to wear a diaper to bed tonight. Brett was trying to get her to come to him so he could put her diaper on. She kept backing away and saying, "But mom, but mom, that won't work! That won't work!" I asked why that wouldn't work and she said, "BEEEECAUSE!!! If I put that diaper on I will get dead!"
Yikes! I didn't realize I was putting her life in danger! I will have to be more careful on where I put those darn diapers!