Eliza's Birthday was this month. She is now three years old. And boy does she know it! Her birthday was on a thursday but we didn't have our family get together until Sunday. We had a waffle bar. It was so good! Well as good as waffles from pancake mix get. But the toppings were to die for!! A thanks to Aunt Jenny and Uncle Spencer for letting us invade their home. Eliza has really gotten into the idea of presents recently and this was a great birthday for her! She got to open presents on her birthday, at the party on Sunday, and more on Monday! Among other things, her friend Eliza gave her a wooden dress up doll(she tried to put the clothes on the doll in the manner provided, but when that proved to be too much she taped and glued them in place, with the help of her older sister. She then taped the doll to her bed frame. The next day she ripped the doll off, and broke it's head, arms, and feet off. Then I threw it in the trash, sorry Lia lia). Lia lia also gave her some chapstick(which she ate like candy). On that subject, that girl is going to have the smoothest unchapped lips EVER, or a very well lubricated BM, possibly both!

That's the Pooh Bear we gave her, she LOVES Pooh Bear.

At Aunt Jenny's on Sunday. That is her friend Eliza picking her nose. They are quite the team of Eliza's!

Nothing says Happy Birthday like a birthday balloon! This is our cousin Ryan, my Eliza, and our friend Eliza. Right now they are all tolerating eachother. I bet in a year or so they will be best buddies and then watch out humanity! Probably the animal kingdom will be in trouble too!

Since we didn't have cake on her actual birthday, we had icecream sundays. Mmmmmm.

Possibly Eliza's favorite thing this birthday was the card she got from Nana and Papa. Sorry to everyone else, but this card trumped y'all. She took it everywhere with her, in the car, and to bed. When you opened it, it said, "In the magical world of make believe, birthday fun lasts forever. Hope yours does too!" I could have repeated this back to you about five minutes after she got it. Not because I am that good (although, I would like to think so), it was because she opened it that many times. It took three days for this card to be opened and closed enough to rip at the fold. Then it wouldn't play anymore, poor Eliza. Hooray for mom and dad!
We dog sat over the holiday vacation this dog named Pedro. He was very friendly and mostly quiet. In fact, most of the time he sat on the couch and slept. However, he didn't like my vacuum at all. I don't think it or he will ever be the same! It was really fun to have a dog for a while though. It was kinda like practice for the real thing(which won't be for a while yet, to the bemoaning of my kids).
Recently for FHE, we painted pictures. It was really fun and a bit messy. Eliza made an elephant, Bonnie made a volcano, Ethan and I went with a floral motif, and Brett did a nature scene. Eliza somehow got paint all over her face. I don't ask how these things happen, I just go with it and clean up afterwards! Anyways, we had a great time, and here are the pictures to prove it!

Lily feeling a bit like Moses. "OK water, part....NOW!"

Ethan, Bonnie, and their cousin Kenzie went outside to play. Thank goodness they restrained themselves to just thier hands. I have had to deal with much, MUCH muddier children. They were trying to wash off in the puddle, good luck with that guys!
1 comment:
love the pics of eliza- she is so beautiful~
ethan looks the EXACT same!!! lol - ian still talks about him from time to time.
lily - someday we shall meet. and you shall adore me..
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