I can't keep remembering to blog about the stuff that happens when it happens, so I have got a back log to blog. Try saying that out loud, it's fun! Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.
Eliza and Bonnie do the silliest things together! They love to play and have a good time. It is so cute and endearing to see them helping eachother, mainly it is Bonnie helping Eliza, so sweet.

Bonnie lives in her PJs. She always wants to have them on. When she comes home from church, the first thing she does is put on PJs. If she went swimming and had to change her clothes, she would change into her PJs. Yesterday, I told her I needed her to change out of her jammies and into some regular clothes because we had some errands to run. She said, "Why mom, I'm just going to put them right back on when we get home?" Right, sound logic...Or possibly not! Don't argue with your mother child, just do it!!!

Eliza has started playing house with me. She gets very serious and says "you, you, you, you, Nae nae(Delayne), I, I, I, I, mommy!" She is studdering her words. Anyway if I don't call her mommy she gets agitated and says "NO!!!! I not Zia zia(Eliza) I MOMMY!!!" She has a mommy voice even. She says, "what honey?" "Oh, honey" "No, no honey" in her grownup voice. She puts me down for naps, and feeds me cherrios for luch. She is a very attentive parent! I have to say though, it is a little embarrasing in the grocery store when she says she is the mommy, and I am walking along pushing the cart and saying yes mommy, or no mommy or horray for mommy. I have gotten some wierd looks from cashiers. All I have to say is don't judge me man, I do what I've got to do!

Ever wonder why that roll of toilet paper doesn't last? One minute it is there, and the next an empty roll, just sitting there mocking you. And you're thinking why couldn't I have checked the toilet paper before I sat down? I recently went into the bathroom after Eliza, and this is what I found. A toilet full of paper. All I could say was WOW, that is an impressive amount of toilet paper!

Eliza likes to get Ethan's camera and tell me(it is really more of a yell, but that's just volume), say cheeeeeeeeeeese! Then she pretends to push the button(she doesn't know where it is), and says "Click!". Nothing adds authinticity like sound effects!

Eliza just loves her little sister! She loves to hold her....

Kiss her....

And then make her cry! What a good big sister!

Eliza LOVES this pink tutu! She has talked me into letting her wear it to bed on more than one occasion. She is pretending to be a ballerina kitty. In this picture she is being the kitty.

And in this picture she is the ballerina!

Lily's Aunt Shannon made her this absolutely gorgeous valentines dress! Lily looks so adorable in it. And look she is sitting up all by herself! I can't believe she is almost 6 months old! I made her headband. Totally stole the idea from someone else, but isn't it cute? That makes it ok, right?

Ethan is being totally silly! He loves this pull up bar Brett put up. And let me tell you that kid is super strong! I don't know how many pull ups he can do, cause he will only do 5 or 6 and then quit. Don't ask about the rope and pulley thingy, it's all Brett!

Lily learning to sit up. She is just so darn cute!

Last year Ethan wanted to surprise his dad with something, so he went out to the garage and came up with this masterpiece! In case you were wondering, it is a shelf for Brett to hang his tools on.

Brett took Ethan fishing a couple of weeks ago. This is what they came home with. I had some errands to run when they got back, so by the time I got home, that thing was cooked, eaten, and gone! The guys had a great time fishing together.
Layne, your kids are too cute!! I love all your stories. Cant wait to see you for Easter. Love you!
ian clogged our neighbors toilet SO BAD - with only TOILET PAPER, that she was SURE he had flushed his underwear...lol. i made him show me that he had his undies on to clear his name..
they still have our plunger.
ps will i ever, EVER meet my niece????
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