Thursday, July 17, 2008

Just Plain Silly

Hey if it were me, I would look a whole lot happier about a chocolate cupcake!
Yes that is my son with his arms down his pants! And are we ever proud! Bonnie was showing me her power ranger moves! I think she is ready for the big leagues!
A little while ago, Bonnie had to wear some of her cousin Ryan's clothes. She was quite upset about it, and I heard all about it in the car on the way to run errands. Bonnie was telling me, "But MOM! I don't want to wear boyish clothes, I will be embarrassed!" Ethan who was trying to make her feel better told her that she shouldn't worry about it, she could just tell people that she didn't have her clothes because she went somewhere in her pajamas so she had to borrow some! Yeah, that would make me feel WAY less embarrassed! I don't think she appreciated his advice.

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