If you look very closely at Ethan's head, you can see a green dot from a marker. It was in fact Bonnie's marker that made the dot.

Now looking at Bonnie's forehead you see a moment of sure genius in parenting. Since Bonnie got Ethan, Brett made her give Ethan the marker and told him to give her a dot too. Only I think that he liked payback a little too much! Oh, where was I during this fiasco? I was driving! It happened so fast, that I couldn't do much to stop it! Looking back, I don't think I would have even if I could have! At least they were both happy after it was over! By the way, this was coming home from our Utah trip! I found two more pictures that I didn't take on my camera! Woooo-whoooo!! Those pictures will post at a later date.
so i was stalking you online and found your blog! sooo cute! what an adorable family you have, and how cool that you guys are in chico! that is great. we'll have to get together next time i'm out there, which i'm hoping will be around the beginning of sept =). anyway, hope you're doing great...i'll stop stalking you now...=)
That is so funny! I love it! You have to love our husbands and the way they handle things. But to be honest I have had my fair share of "well maybe that wasn't the best way to deal with that problem" so kuddos to you brett.
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