My kids and I were recently in the car (we're always in the car). I told them that we were going to the park with our brand new cousin Jack. Both Ethan and Bonnie were ecstatic. They started talking to each other about Jack. It was one of those moments as a mom that I was happy to be a fly on the wall to witness this conversation. Ethan observed that baby Jack was WAY cuter than a rock...

Bonnie countered with a yeah he is cuter than a rock, but he wasn't cuter than a guinea pig!

Just so you are all aware of the order here it goes; rock, Jack, then guinea pig. Ethan and Bonnie didn't ask my opinion on the matter, but I would have said that I think Jack is WAY cuter than a guinea pig!!!
So glad you are back! It is so great to hear what kids say isn't it?!
I'm pretty sure your kids are cuter than a rock too =). Love it!
Oh, and cuter than a guinea pig too! Cuter than any small rodent, or woodland creature, in fact! hee hee
love it! and i love those kids~
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