Alright, I know that it has been forever long since I have posted, and I sincerely apologize. However, I am pregnant, and that is all the excuse I need!! It is going to take me a while to catch up, so bear with me. For all who haven't seen me in a while, about a month and a half ago, I cut my hair, and I mean chopped it off! It was about down to my shoulder blades, and now it is to my chin! Our friend Perry did it, and I LOVE it! It is new and fresh, and it makes me feel hip! I wasn't sure I was going to cut so much off when I went in to see Perry. I was thinking just a trim. But sitting there, I knew I wanted a BIG change, and that this was my chance to do it. Brett wasn't with me, and so I totally shocked the poor guy when I got home. He likes it now, but it took a little while to get used to. When Eliza saw me for the first time, she wasn't sure it was me. She was a little shy, but we got over that pretty darn quick! I found a before and after shot of me, so y'all can see. The first one was taken around Easter time, and the second was at Bonnie's birthday party at the end of May. I was talking to some of the other mom's that were at the party, and that is why I look like I am in the middle of saying something. Eliza didn't want me to be saying anything, and that is why she looks so grumpy.
congrats on being prego! and I LOVE the new hair!
Okay, I think it's darling. It suits you. I love it long though, no wonder your girls have such gorgeous hair! So what are the baby details? WHen are you due? Are you finding out the sex? Sorry, I'm the nosy friend who wants to know all the details.
Congratulations!! Your hair is adorable-nothing makes you feel better than a good, different haircut!!!
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