Every night before bed, I ask my kids to set out the clothes they are going to wear to school the next day. Then I ask them to show me what they have picked out. Every once in a while, I will get sidetracked with other things, and not ask to see their clothes. I know when this happens, Ethan will attempt to wear the same exact clothes he had on the day before. No matter that they have mud splattered on them, food stuck to them, popsicle dripping down them. He doesn't care. Bonnie however has a different issue. This is one of her more colorful creations. I do try to help her figure out what matches and what definitely doesn't. When I tried to explain to her that the shirt and pants were a good fit, but the red socks and purple shoes were a bit much, she said, "But Mom, this shirt has red and purple on it!" Well of course it does. How can I compete with such logic? So as much as it pained me, I sent Bonnie off to school wearing her carpis with red socks pulled up, and purple shoes on her feet.