Monday, March 31, 2008

Ethan's school class went on a field trip to see the Chinese acrobats. He was so incredibly impressed with what he saw as he was trying to describe it to me, he said, "It was so awesome Mom! I just can't talk about it, I just can't talk about it right now." When he was telling his dad about it, he said, "Guess what I want to be when I grow up?" Brett said, "An acrobat?" Ethan replied, "Yeah, a Chinese one!" I didn't have the heart to tell him that just wasn't going to happen, he is stuck being Caucasian, poor kid!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

That's My Story and I'm Stick'n To It!

Bonnie dictated a story to her preschool teacher Feb. 25. They were talking about good days, and bad days. Her story goes like this..."On a bad day, when you lost your mommy you get superdy-duperdy sad. When you find your mommy, you get happy, you get really, really happy. Then its a super, super, super, super good day." One Sunday after church we couldn't find Bonnie anywhere. When we did find her, she was so sad. I guess art does imitate life!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Eliza saw Santa on a train ride we went on in November. He came right next to us. All the other kids were clapping and calling out to Santa. As soon as Eliza saw him her grip on my arm and shoulder got much tighter, it almost hurt! She had a look of pure terror on her face. She didn't relax until Santa was well out of sight. I never saw her look so terrified. Santa might not be in any pictures with Eliza any time soon. I couldn't find the picture I had of her, but this one gives you the right idea.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Prayer Time

Bonnie said the dinner prayer one night. She said, "Please help me to always love my mom and my dad and Eliza and my brother and my mom, my other mom and my other dad wo live in Heaven. I hope I get to meet them soon; after we die...Amen".* Every night Ethan says his night time prayer. The first few items are usually pretty thoughtful, please bless so and so to get better...stuff like that. Then he moves into his list, which is the same every night, and he says it all as fast as he possibly can! "Please bless I won't have bad dreams tonight. Please bless I won't throw up. Please bless I won't have bad dreams. Please bless I won't be scared of spiders in my covers. Please bless I won't be scared of mouses under my bed. Please bless I won't be scared of the dark."

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Blowing the Top

I was asking Ethan to help me clean up, and he was telling me he didn't want to. So I told him he didn't have a choice. He finally just blew his top and yelled "You're just asking me to do that because you want me too!" Duh.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


I am going to go out of order here, but as it is Easter, I thought it would be OK to make an exception in my timeline of stories. So this morning my kids woke up and found their Easter baskets full of fun toys, and yummy candy. Right away they noticed that they had a giant egg inside their baskets. Of course they wanted to know what was in them. When they opened the eggs up, they were empty. Well this was all going better than I had planned, I had their attention with the egg, and they wanted to know all about it. I was explaining that after Jesus died they put his body in a tomb, and three days later his body wasn't there anymore because he was resurrected. His body wasn't in the tomb anymore. The tomb was empty just like our eggs. I was having a wonderful parenting moment, when Bonnie asked "Why did they put Jesus in an egg?" Good parenting moment gone.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Good vs. Bad

Bonnie was playing with her toys when Ethan came over to play with her. She asks him "are you bad?". Ethan says, "no we're good guys". Bonnie answers, "well, your kind of cute that's why we won't kill you."

Friday, March 21, 2008

A Pig?

Bonnie told me she was soooooo cold, infact she was as cold as a pig! A pig? Well obviously a pig doesn't have any fur so what else would it be but cold? Duh! *
I picked Ethan up from school one day and I was asking him how his day went. He said, "Mom, I played tag all day! And it just broke my heart!"?*
Bonnie told her friend Aiden that he needed to say please and thank you becuase that is the apropriate way. "I'm serious!"*
Right before Thanksgiving, we had a big FHE at our aunt's house. We made a thankful tree where everyone got to add two leaves to the tree by saying two things they were thankful for. All the kids went first and had some very good things to be thankful for like their family, or the earth, or Jesus. When it was Bonnie's turn, she knew right away what she wanted to say. "I am thankful for horses and worms!"

Thursday, March 20, 2008

A Star on the Horizon

One day I called Bonnie a smarty pants, and she told me that I was the tinkle pants not her! * Bonnie was standing in front of me in her nightgown saying "But MOM! I am dressed!" To relieve the tension I started singing "Liar, liar, pants on fire!" All day after that all I heard was a sweet singsong voice saying; "Liar on fire! Liars pants on fire!" Way to go mom. * Bonnie's favorite song is "I Like It I Love It" by Tim McGraw. She now knows the whole song, with a few discrepancies. One of the lines says "my long lost buddies say I'm getting in to deep". Bonnie sings it this way; "my long lost boogers are getting too deep".

TV Time

My kids like to watch Saturday morning cartoons on Qubo. Then on Sunday they watch the exact same cartoons again (exactly the same episodes) except in Spanish! Just in case you were wondering my kids don't speak Spanish, but apparently since they get the English version first it doesn't matter that much!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The begining of the end!

My kids think it is really funny to put on grocery sacs and wear them around like overalls!

My purpose

Hello all!
I am entering the wide world of blogs! We will see how it goes.
The purpose for this blog is to record the innocent yet hilarious musings of my children. I have been writing down on paper the things they say, and now I bring them to you. It is going to take me a while to catch up, and I am not making any promises about punctuality. What I do promise is a pretty amusing read. Of course I understand that I probably find my kids a little more adorable, sweet and hilarious than you will, but as you read on, I hope you will come back for more.
Alright, lets get started. I will have to go back in time because I started writing things down in November of 2007.
Nov. 1, 2007-I was getting Bonnie into the car on the way to preschool. She told me that she gets so sick because she eats too much paper...or probably becuase she eats to much candy. She didn't seem to know which it was.
-At the dinner table Ethan announced that we have TONS of apple cider. I told him we didn't have TONS. So he recounted and said "yeah! Maybe two or three!"
-I was whistling and Bonnie came up close to me sniffing. Then she said "Mmmm, your breath smells good!" At least it wasn't the other way around!
Alright, I am quiting for the day. I will get on the ball and write more soon I promise.