Hello all!
I am entering the wide world of blogs! We will see how it goes.
The purpose for this blog is to record the innocent yet hilarious musings of my children. I have been writing down on paper the things they say, and now I bring them to you. It is going to take me a while to catch up, and I am not making any promises about punctuality. What I do promise is a pretty amusing read. Of course I understand that I probably find my kids a little more adorable, sweet and hilarious than you will, but as you read on, I hope you will come back for more.
Alright, lets get started. I will have to go back in time because I started writing things down in November of 2007.
Nov. 1, 2007-I was getting Bonnie into the car on the way to preschool. She told me that she gets so sick because she eats too much paper...or probably becuase she eats to much candy. She didn't seem to know which it was.
-At the dinner table Ethan announced that we have TONS of apple cider. I told him we didn't have TONS. So he recounted and said "yeah! Maybe two or three!"
-I was whistling and Bonnie came up close to me sniffing. Then she said "Mmmm, your breath smells good!" At least it wasn't the other way around!
Alright, I am quiting for the day. I will get on the ball and write more soon I promise.