Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Prayer Time

Bonnie said the dinner prayer one night. She said, "Please help me to always love my mom and my dad and Eliza and my brother and my mom, my other mom and my other dad wo live in Heaven. I hope I get to meet them soon; after we die...Amen".* Every night Ethan says his night time prayer. The first few items are usually pretty thoughtful, please bless so and so to get better...stuff like that. Then he moves into his list, which is the same every night, and he says it all as fast as he possibly can! "Please bless I won't have bad dreams tonight. Please bless I won't throw up. Please bless I won't have bad dreams. Please bless I won't be scared of spiders in my covers. Please bless I won't be scared of mouses under my bed. Please bless I won't be scared of the dark."

1 comment:

Mikaela said...

I hope that you've made sure there are no mice in your house before Ethan goes to bed! hehehe!