I am going to go out of order here, but as it is Easter, I thought it would be OK to make an exception in my timeline of stories. So this morning my kids woke up and found their Easter baskets full of fun toys, and yummy candy. Right away they noticed that they had a giant egg inside their baskets. Of course they wanted to know what was in them. When they opened the eggs up, they were empty. Well this was all going better than I had planned, I had their attention with the egg, and they wanted to know all about it. I was explaining that after Jesus died they put his body in a tomb, and three days later his body wasn't there anymore because he was resurrected. His body wasn't in the tomb anymore. The tomb was empty just like our eggs. I was having a wonderful parenting moment, when Bonnie asked "Why did they put Jesus in an egg?" Good parenting moment gone.
Your kids are so stinkin cute. That's hilarious! You guys crack me up!
Leave it to Bonnie! :)
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