Alright, I know that it has been FOREVER since I have posted anything. In my defense, I totally forgot about this blog in the chaos that is my life. Until now. Now I have fodder for quite a few blogs. It's good stuff too, so stay tuned! This video is of Ethan getting his tooth pulled. I am warning you upfront that there is a little blood involved, so this may not be for the weak stomached folk.
This is the saga of the tooth. Ethan had a loose tooth that was really bugging him, and he was grossing everyone out by showing them exactly how loose it was! Then he got to thinking that if he got his tooth pulled, the tooth fairy would come, and he would get some money! Wooo-whooo! So he asked me to pull his tooth for him. I am not sure how I got to be the official tooth puller, and I really don't like it, but that is the way it is. Bummer for me. I have pulled 4 out of the 5 teeth that have been lost in our house hold. The fifth one fell out on it's own. It is important for you all to know that Ethan is not a tooth fairy believer, but he pretends that he is because he knows that the tooth fairy doesn't come to little boys who don't believe. So after we pulled the tooth, we had a long talk about the tooth fairy coming and how much the going rate of a tooth is, and how big the tooth fairy is. Bonnie let us all know that the tooth fairy is small like a puppy. When I put the kids in bed that night after making a big deal about putting the tooth under Ethan's pillow, I told them that the tooth fairy was pretty sneaky and they shouldn't be surprised if they don't even wake up when she comes. Ethan told me that oh yes he was going to wake up, catch the tooth fairy, and put her in a sleeper hold. Bonnie told him he had better be nice to the tooth fairy other wise she would know and not leave him as much money under his pillow. The next morning, Ethan came into our bedroom and woke us up bright and early. He was holding his tooth in his hand. The tooth fairy forgot to come. I couldn't believe it! After the whole conversation and the pulling of the tooth, I forgot!!! What is wrong with me?! I felt terrible. I told Ethan that Dad was up with Eliza for a long time that night and maybe she tried to come but couldn't because dad would see her. Eliza did have a fever, and so she did not get to go to church. Brett stayed home with her, and while he was here, he wrote a little note from the tooth fairy. Then he put it and a dollar under Ethan's pillow. The note said "sorry I didn't make it to your house last night Ethan, I wasn't expecting your tooth to fall out until next Tuesday! Sorry about the mistake. Keep up the good work! Love the tooth fairy. PS. tell your dad thanks for taking a nap today so I could bring this to you." It was a little obvious I know, but hey, it worked! And Bonnie still believes. Ethan didn't say anything until it was almost bed time, then he came running out saying "my tooth is gone my tooth is gone." He looked about ready to cry. Brett and I asked if there was anything under his pillow? He said no he looked but that there was nothing there. So we all went in to see if we could find the tooth or the booty. We searched all over Ethan's room. Brett said that if the tooth fairy was going to leave a note, it would probably be on white paper. I asked if the tooth fairy wrote notes on regular sized paper, or if it was smaller? Brett said it was regular sized to the tooth fairy. Well, we couldn't find the tooth or the note anywhere! We finally concluded that Eliza must have got to it and moved it. We were all feeling a bit dejected. Ethan because he lost his tooth ( he had no idea about the note or money), and Brett and I because let's face it, that was a cool idea that was ruined. As we left Ethan's room to go into the living room for scriptures, Brett says "hey here it is!" and picks up a rolled up piece of paper off the floor! Ethan said "oh I found that and brought it out here when I couldn't find my tooth!" Oh the irony! Anyway everything and everyone was happy after that! The End.
Why did you video tape that? Eeeeww!!
This blog has made me laugh so hard. Thank you!
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