Saturday, November 8, 2008

Just The Beginning

I know it's Saturday, and the election was on Tuesday, but I just want to say HIP HIP HOORAY for prop 8 passing!!! I feel such a great sense of release, but also I am feeling an urgency that this is not over, it is just the beginning. There have been several events that have really bothered me that have happened in politics in the last year. SB 777 (that's senate bill 777, look it up its disturbing), and Harvey Milk (is that how you spell it?) day are just the bigger events that took my notice, but prop 8 was the straw that broke the camel's back. I could not sit idly by and just wait to see what happened, which by the way is really my preferred method of dealing with problems. I don't want to give the impression that I was all that and then some, but I do feel like I did what I could to help with this cause. That however is not the point I am trying to make. I just wanted to say that I am ready for whatever comes next, cause you know this isn't the end, and because of the hard work of EVERYONE who helped to pass prop 8, I feel like we can take it! So from the person who gave money, time, and effort into prop 8 to the person who just voted yes, THANK YOU!!

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