Bonnie had a birthday, and now she is 5! I can't believe it! She can't either, but apparently everything is SO much better when you are 5 than when you were 4.

Here she is on her big girl bike! That is right, it only took us til she was 5 to get her something better than a tricycle.

Alright, I have to say, I am pretty darn proud of this cake. Whenever I asked Bonnie what kind of cake she wanted for her birthday, she would always say, "I want a rainbow, castle, Dora cake!" I think I did pretty well here! That's Dora in the car on the side, Bonnie wanted her coming out the front door, but come on folks there is only so much I can do! She was so excited about it. She kept telling everyone who would listen, and even anybody who wouldn't, "Guess what kind of cake I am going to have for my birthday? A rainbow...castle...Dora...cake!" She paused for emphasis in between each word. It was hilarious!

I just have to mention here that this box was given to Bonnie by her cousin Maddie, who is also 5 for a couple more weeks anyway. I wish we would have taken a picture before Bonnie opened it too, but I am just not that organized. So Maddie's mom went to the store and got Bonnie some things for her birthday. Maddie took it from there and expounded on it. I am told that she spent at least a solid hour on it if not more on it. She found things from her room to add to the box, and she wrapped and decorated the box herself! As you can see here, she glued stuff to the outside of the box. I think Bonnie is holding a penny or something from the box. You can imagine how well this went over. So I wanted to say BRAVO Maddie! Bonnie loved it of course!
I'm glad Bonnie had such a great b-day! I can't believe she's 5 already!
AWESOME CAKE!!!!!! great job mom!
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