Remember when forts used to be made out of your mom's best blankets and all the chairs from the dinner table? Well, apparently those days are over! Time for an upgrade baby! Our friends Jake and Julie gave the kids this awesome fort building kit! It is made by Cranium, and it is so cool! This was the first thing we made with it.

Ethan actually let me take his picture here. A small miracle in itself!

Now wait a minute you say, that is not one of your kid's knee sticking out of that helecopter. (I thought I should let you all know what it was supposed to be just in case you couldn't guess.) That is right, even Brett is getting in on the fort building craze! I think he kicked all the kids out so he could have a turn flying the helecopter! Right this very second, the fort kit is in timeout. That's right, timeout. It seems that sometimes my kids don't always see eye to eye on the proper technique of fort building, and I had to break it up before it got physical. I had no idea that my children would be so passionate about creating forts! Actually, we love this thing, and totally recomend it to everyone! Thanks Jake and Julie!
1 comment:
Cannot wait to show that picture of Brett
to Andrew. Man are they alike or what?!
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