Ethan has gotten so good at the slip and slide! Well I guess you can't get soooo good on a slip and slide, I mean come on you slip and then you slide, where's the skill? But Ethan can do it standing up! You have to give him props for that.

Our friends gave us this bike, and Eliza just loves it! She can almost reach the ground with her tippy toes when she is on it. She gets up there and tries to move it, gets frustrated, tries to get off, gets stuck, screams, and then I help her off.

And here she is trying to get back on...Here we go again!
It looks like you have so much fun at your house. We missed you friday night at the purse party. I hope all is well.
So cute! I miss them. Ian eats salad ALL THE TIME because that is what his big boy cousin Ethan likes! Love you guys.
Eliza is so adorably cute!
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