The purpose of this blog is to imortalize my childrens silliness forever.
Eliza LOVES to play ring around the roses. She loves it so much she will play by herself if she has to. Ethan and Bonnie are a good big brother and sister, and they play with her a lot. It makes me sick to my stomach to play more than once with her, so I really appreciate Ethan and Bonnie's help. Eliza calls it "wee-wee" and will come up to you to ask you to give her your "hi" which is hands. She doesn't have a very big vocabulary, but boy can she get her point across!
Alright, I know this video was kinda long, but I just wanted everyone to know how much I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that Brett plays like this with our kids! And as you can see, Bonnie is having a great time too! I think that Brett should have been a basketball player, did you see the air that he got?
So whenever Bonnie is bothered by something, she says, "Oh, father", or "stop fathering me". It's so funny to hear her muttering to herself, "father, oh, father!" I'm not sure where she came up with the word "bother", but I am so glad she gets it wrong. It makes my day to hear her!
It was a sunny day, and the weather man said it was going to be overcast. So Bonnie told me that I needed to call him up and tell him he was wrong! Somehow I thought he would already know without an irate phone call from a listener. (She heard the forecast on the radio)
Eliza's birthday was on Wednesday. She is just so darn cute, and I just can't get her to do what she does on camera! It is killing me! She loves to dance, and she loves to sing. But will she do either while the camera is rolling? NO she won't! Oh, no! I just had a terrible thought! What if she is already the contrary chicken just like Ethan! What if her contrariness is just a part of her being, just like being cute is? How am I going to deal with two contrary chickens? For those of you who don't know, The Contrary Chicken is a children's book that we read when Ethan was little, and it fit him so well, we started calling him that when he is being particularly contrary. He sort of thrives off of it though, being contrary that is. It is like an energy source that just gets stronger and stronger the longer it lasts. Wow, I have definitely gone off on a tangent here. Sorry, enjoy Eliza's cuteness.
Alright, so I know that Christmas has come and gone, but I made my kids sing this silly song three times before I thought it was "perfect". And by perfect, I mean I just couldn't take it anymore and this was the last cut they were getting!
So Christmas at our house was pretty fun. The kids were their Hilarius selves, (of course what else would you expect on the one day a year they get to rip into gifts like there was no tomorrow!). Eliza though, could have cared less about what was going on. She was opening presents because I was helping her. And by helping her I mean I was taking her hand and making her fingers grab the paper and pull it in a downward motion. I think her second present was a magna-doodle. After that she would have nothing to do with opening presents. She just sat and drew on that thing for probably a good half hour. We tried to get her to open more of her gifts, but she would tell us "no", and give the sign for "all done". Oh well, it was more presents for Ethan and Bonnie to open! Ethan got everything he wanted, and declared it an AWESOME Christmas! Bonnie didn't get anything that she wanted, well she did get a puppy that moves when you touch it (cringe, it's a little spooky actually), and she got a barbie horse that actually walks when you touch it with the magic wand. Brett and I thought that she was going to love her gifts, but they weren't quite right. When Bonnie told Santa she wanted a horse that can walk, she meant one that she could ride too! Santa told me that the horse she wanted cost a whopping $400 more than the one she got. I say yeah for bargin shopping! Too bad for Bonnie, though later Christmas day, she decided that "evendough I didn't get everyting I wanted tis is til the best Quwistmas EVER!" I guess it wasn't a total wash after all! Merry Christmas to all.