The purpose of this blog is to imortalize my childrens silliness forever.
Saying Cheese for the camera...
Why do they call them jumping jacks? Was there once a guy named Jack who jumped like that a lot? I guess somethings will always be a mystery! Anywho, you can't argue, the girl's got style...right?
Speaking of style, how 'bout that Eliza? She picked those panties out herself! (Don't worry, they're clean.) She may, or may not, have had help putting them on! I will just say that she and I happened to be alone together, and...well...she did ask for help. What was a loving mother to do?
Eliza loves to sing the itsy bitsy spider. She is so cute when she does it too. She doesn't do nearly as well in the video as she normally does. But I think we can blame that on stage fright. I think she'll grow out of that. Her siblings did!
6 Restaurants I like to eat at:
6 things that happened today:
6 things I am looking forward to:
6 people to tag:
Sorry to those that got tagged twice, I had to tag someone, and I like you guys so much I couldn't resist. All those who didn't get tagged twice, I like you guys so much I couldn't bring myself to tag you again!
I've been tagged! I guess that means I'm IT! I didn't even realize I was playing electronic tag. Oh well, can't have any of you out there thinking I'm a bad sport. Grumble, grumble. Just kidding, here "It" goes. Watch out you might be next! Here are the rules: Link the Person who Tagged you. Mention rules on your blog. Tell about 6 quirks of yours. Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same. Leave a comment on their blog to let them know. Delayne's Quirks-Don't judge!
Alright, that was tough! I now tag Julie, Mikeala, Kami, Anya, Nikki, and Becky. Good luck girls!
Ethan absolutely loved doing this! I thought you might like to see some video clips of us destroying our bathroom! And just in case you have never removed tile, that stuff is tough!!!
I was looking through my videos, and I came across this one of Bonnie singing an all time favorite, "I Like It, I Love It" by Tim McGraw. She knows most of the words by heart, but I am not sure what was going on here. Maybe a little stage fright? I think you might rule out stage fright as you watch. It is pretty darn hilarious if you ask me, but what do I know, I'm just the mom! I think that I do a pretty good job too. Maybe I SHOULD try to go for American Idol!
Ethan wanted to make his own pinata, so he got a cardboard box, taped it up with good old masking tape, hung it up in a tree outside with a bungee cord, and beat the crud out of it with his baseball bat until a stuffed cat eventually fell out! America's future at it's finest!